Sunday May 3rd was due to be my daughter's holy communion date, and many others! And the weather is so fine too, it's a shame. Still, on that evening the sun was so beautiful and my fingers were twitching - come on, I said; let's have a go at doing your hair, get that white jumpsuit on and we'll head into the garden and fields and get some photos done! We'll have us a FAUX-ly Communion photoshoot! (I am too pleased with myself for that pun)
And it was really fun, her sister came along in her white dress too and we had a blast!

Well, she's not too fussed - there's still plenty of time to laugh when you're eight and haven't got to go to school!!

Take care everyone! Please feel free to take a look at my other pictures from holy communions and confirmation here, or my family and children's photography. If you'd like to be added to the wait list for photosessions when it becomes safe to do so, please contact me and we can get that sorted out!